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We're Reclaiming Narrative on Health Education

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Black History Conference - 13 October 2024

It’s time to shift the conversation.

We’re bringing underrepresented voices to the forefront of health education, challenging the status quo, and rewriting the narrative around healthcare for our communities. This is more than just a conference—it’s a movement.

If you're in the Reading Berkshire area, join us as we discuss how to equip local communities with the knowledge and tools to take charge of their health, break down barriers, and ensure equity in care for all.

The difference we want to make? Empowered communities, healthier generations, and a future where the stories we tell reshape access to care and education for every Black individual.

Let’s build that future together.

Register for the event HERE

#HealthEducation #BlackHistory #ReclaimingNarrative #EquityInHealth #CommunityEmpowerment