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Exceed your personal best for Social Justice

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The race for social justice

Watching the recent Olympics in Paris, I was deeply moved by some of the athletes' backstories. In sports, athletes put everything they have into winning. They train hard, stay focused, and ignore distractions because they know what they’re aiming for.

Injustice is real and affects people’s lives every day. Just like athletes, we need to keep our minds and hearts focused on our goal—a fair and equitable society. We must not let distractions or setbacks slow us down or prevent us from achieving our goals in Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI).

Our commitment to EDI must be as strong as an athlete’s drive to win. We need to give our best effort because the stakes are too high to settle for anything less. The race isn’t over until everyone has the same rights and opportunities. Strive not just to meet but to exceed your personal best in advocating for social justice.